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Page updated on February 4th 2025

Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting resources

Support files for the reporting on the 2024 update of the Article 4


All enquiries can be directed to

Guidance documents

The following documents have been developed as guides for the reporting process for the MSFD Article 4.


Updated on 20.05.2024

Reporting tools

Reportnet 3

The platform Reportnet 3 will be used in the reporting and it is accessible in the following URL To use this new platform a EU login account is need, you can get one following this document. Once you have the new user account, please access the paltform and then contact helpdesk to ask reporter permissions for the obligation dataflow. A generic guidance on Reportnet 3 is available in the following link:

Marine Reporting Units overlap with regional assessment areas (OSPAR, HELCOM)

To facilitate the process of modelling MRUs, an exercise of overlapping the current MRUs with regional assessment areas has been done. The results can be accessible and downloaded from the following folder: MRU overlaps

Tabular data:

Marine Reporting Units overlap with SDI data

To facilitate the process of modelling MRUs, an exercise of overlapping the current MRUs with regional assessment areas has been done. The results can be accessible and downloaded from the following folder: MRU overlaps

Tabular data: